
my first thoughts towards the body and object brief is to look at colonel Gaddedafi and is crimes against humanity. the subject i will focus on is the allegations of gaddedafi purchasing and authorising the use of viagra like drugs among soldiers for the purpose of raping women and instilling fear.
research into what il be shooting 

il be shooting military like a gas mask and some real military weaponry
hopefully, all to do with the civl war in libya 

artist research 

Rwanda, 1994 - Survivor of Hutu death camp By James Nachtwey 

“This is a picture of a man who had just been liberated from a Hutu death camp where mainly members of the Tutsi tribe were being incarcerated, being starved, beaten, abused and systematically killed. This man happened to be a Hutu himself, but because he didn't support the genocide, he was subjected to the same treatment. On the most basic level, I hope that people when they look at this work will engage themselves with it and not shut down, not turn away from it, but realize that their opinion counts for something, that they become part of a constituency, and people who have the power to make decisions that affect the lives of thousands of people know that there's a constituency forming out there, and they have to do something about it."

(from a May 16, 2000 interview with Elizabeth Farnsworth on the Online NewsHour’s A CONVERSATION WITH...)

my view :
my view on this image is that it has a strong relevance to my concept and the gadaffi regime and the links in genocide in libya and african countries. when i look at the image i see the pain that the people these countries have to deal with from the higher power in the countries. i started to look at photographer that started to photograph objects of war and then i found annie leibovitz, i found bloody bicycle  to be a good example of the path i wanted to take with the object project.

 Annie Leibovitz, Bloody Bicycle, (Sarajevo, 1993), Kodak T-Max P3200 

elle dunn-  Elle Dunn was born in 1985 and grew up in the countryside of the Maine et Loire Valley in France. 

She moved to Britain in 1999 where she began exploring inner city abandonements in her spare time and later became a self-taught photographer in the hope of capturing the essence of her obsession with decay.
Graduating in 2006 with a degree in Film history, she has since devoted herself to documenting hundreds of architectural rarities which are continuously under the threat. 
my view: i found this image by elle dunn whilst looking on the internet 
used this image in my research as there is a link between her image and my image and thats the object (gas mask). the difference being that in her image is that some one is wearing the gas mask as you can see and in my image i don't have and people in my photograph.

photographs from lybia war zone.

the pictures if found for research i had found on getty images but i can't find the photographers names sadly but i feel the photographs document the true factual events of what is happening out there at the moment

my final print for my object project 


This is my final image i am very happy with my out come and when i had feedback on this image i had mixed reactions  witch iv taken into account  When it came to shooting my final image I used a white backdrop against the black gas mask, to make the gas mask seem more defined, the reason for only having one object is because I felt it said more on it’s own than were it to be placed with other objects.