Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Assessment/Presentation 'The Object and Body'

object evaluation

For my object evaluation I looked at my cousin being sent out to Iraq. This project was hard for me not in a personal way but in a way in what I didn’t seem to grasp what asked of me for the project and in all honesty. Where I was struggling with this project it wound me up and put me in a situation on witch I was reluctant to do it and wasn’t to interested about it but I swung together a concept and was going to shoot a photograph of a gas mask a army knife and a live grenade but for obvious reasons, I couldn’t bring the knife and the live grenade to uni so I had too shoot the gas mask on its own but after I had shot the mask I felt that it looked good on its own and gave a swift message of men at war. When it come to printing the photograph in color I knew it was going to be a hard photograph to print as I have never printed in color before. but after a few days I got the print just right and was very happy with my outcome and this project was a real learning curve for me and I think I will go about things much differently and will try to be more interested in the projects I may not like the look of and make it in to a good project by exploring my possible ideas.

body research

test strip

final  digital edits

final analogue print

body evaluation

In my body project i have been looking a range of different photographic artist using the method of portraits and all of the artists iv chosen have led me in all sorts of directions and have given me a range of ideas and forms I can give to this project. picking my concept was hard considering I couldn’t use a subject I knew  so finding someone random and who works with people with learning difficulties was very hard so I explored the university looking for LSA’s I didn’t know of and ask them if I could photograph them was very hard for me and I lack confidence to ask people questions especially when iv never met them. But with a little help I approached a man called Nigel who is a LSA here and he was glad to be my subject for my shoot. In my shoot I wanted the subject half dark and half light to show that there are two sides to the subject because I also wanted to shoot LSA’s who have to deal with disability’s in there personal life too. I felt the lighting I had chosen had worked fantastically with my concept when it come to developing the negs and printing my photographs I was so happy of my outcome and seeing the photo on the paper finished the idea off beautifully.

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